Democrat’s strategy for 2020!!

Democrat’s strategy for 2020!! Given the present array of Democrat presidential candidates for 2020, one would think there would be two or three of these geniuses that would really stand out with some common sense proposals that would resonate with Americans in general. And yet, I have for the past couple of months observed the arrogance, stupidity and plain ideological recklessness they have portrayed to the American public. Parallel to the socialist agendas they have been promoting and trying to sell, we have also witnessed the devastating consequences of what socialism has brought to Venezuela, South Africa and many countries throughout the world. Adding fire to gasoline, we have the left main stream media pushing and supporting the very same agendas of these candidates. We also have Congress doing their very best to keep the Russian delusion alive and keep the public focussed on impeaching the President as if he committed some hideous crime. To try and understand their motives and agendas, one needs to take a closer look at what is happening. Given that the backbone of the Democrat base has always been the Black and Latino vote, there is a general consensus that it may not be the case any longer. I qualify this statement by the fact unemployment in the Black and Latino communities have been the lowest on record since President Trump took over in 2016, food stamps are now almost a thing of the past, more jobs available than people to fill them etc. In other words. The standard of living among the Democrat base and the majority of Americans has risen tremendously since Trump became President. Historically, it is rather difficult to beat an incumbent President running for his second term when the economy is as good as what presently is. Therefore, what have these Democrat candidates have to offer to Americans that is better than what they presently are experiencing? They can accuse this President of racism all they want, how unfair he is about the borders, how insulting he is on his twitter account, how he is ready to push granny down the abyss, but the fact remains, he has kept every promise he made during his campaign plus more, exposed the corrupt swamp in Washington, and built the most powerful economy and military in the world within his first three years given the continuous resistance from Democrats, media and never Trumpers within his own party. This fact on its own is short of a miracle. Democrats know this fact only too well and have nothing left in their bag of tricks to offer the public as an alternative to Trump`s success. The strategy for 2020 has been shrewdly planned with a complete different motive and agenda. Their ultimate goal is simply one. Beat Trump at the ballot box at all costs regardless of the corpses they may leave behind. They put up these twenty odd candidates (corpses) on show simply for public consumption. At first they kept Biden in suspension to see how the public would react to the rest of these genius’s radical policies and when they thought the time was right, Biden entered the race so as to portray an image of moderation. We all know it has been anything other than moderation. Biden carries a load of Obama luggage he will not be able to shake off. He is implicated together with his son Hunter in the Chinese and Ukrainian corruption of favors and money. His gaffs get worse by the day etc. Yet, he is well ahead of the others for now. It is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Their desperation has no bounds. I suspect that before their convention to nominate a candidate to take President Trump on, someone else altogether to these beauties will enter the race as a total moderate so as to convince their base not to despair for they have found their messiah. This could be someone like Michelle Obama or Bloomberg. Democrats realize if they don’t take Trump out in 2020, their party ceases to exist as is today. They have moved so far to the left that they have lost touch with the American people, American values and the traditional American way of life. The party of Kennedy is no longer the same party. It is now the Socialist Democrat Party of Bernie Sanders and OAC whether they like it or not. Unfortunately for the Democrats, the people (deplorables and the dregs of society) will once again vote for their beloved President with a majority in both Houses not seen before. This coming election will shock the world into a sense of reality that populism and the rise of the people is the future and not the old corrupt establishment elite that have treated their constituents with disdain.

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