Trump is making a similar mistake that Bush2 made

Trump is making a similar mistake that Bush2 made

Bush2 made the mistake of solidifying his presidency in a selfish way by not setting up an heir apparent.  Normally in a successful presidency, it's the VP who owns that slot.  That's how we got Bush1, and Dick Nixon.  But Bush2 didn't want his own presidency to be used as a jumping point for someone else's career into the presidency (like his dad did) so he gave the slot to someone too old, too frail, and too controversial to take the pole position.

This became obvious in 2006 when there was no heir apparent, and there was a lot of jostling around in GOP circles wherein the GOPes and RINOs got the uppper hand and gave us McCain and then Romney.  This never would have happened if Bush2 had simply given us an heir apparent for his legacy.  Instead, he just set up a dog-eat-dog Darwinian contest that was harmful for the party. 

What he could have done, and what I said he SHOULD have done in 2006 was to ask Cheney to step down and then appoint whomever he saw fit as the heir apparent.  I kept saying that it was the PROCESS that granted name recognition, so anyone who was put into that slot would be IMMEDIATELY recognizable.  Did anyone know who Dan Quayle was before HE was granted the slot?  Or even the potential slot -- did any of y'all know who Sarah Palin was in 2006?  The PROCESS grants name recognition.

So in Bush2's selfishness, he threw the republican party under the bus and as a result we got 8 years of obambam.  Trump is being similarly sefish.  I'm assuming he has the 2020 re-election in the bag.  On January 21, 2021, all eyes will be on the next election.  It used to be something that took place 2 years after elections, but the media is so triggered and so eager to erase Trump that they'll immediately be focusing on the 2024 election.

And who do we have for 2024?  Right now, we have the same situation that Bush2 set up.  No heir apparent.  Of course, the natural inclination is going to be to give the nod to VP Pence.  I love Pence.  He's a right wing, conservative, christian, honorable republican.  But he is a squish.  Trump does not realize just how rare his talent stack is, this talent for turning the press onto itself into a self-immolating, triggered, hot mess of libtardism.  There is basically no one else who has that ability in the upper echelons of GOP politics. 

Part of why Trump got where he is was because he's a billionaire.  He has STFU money.  He was able to tell the establishment to buzz off.  That's the second element in Trump's talent stack that no one else has.  It is the element that Sarah Palin did not have, which hamstrung her political career even though she's even BETTER at triggering libtard MSM mediots. 

So we end up with a weak GOP bench in 2024.  That is the mistake that Trump is making... right NOW.

How does Trump address this so that America continues on this path of becoming Great Again?  It's a bit much to ask that he give a $Billion or two to his next heir apparent.  Although that might actually be a reasonably good strategy.  As Bunker Hunt once said, when he failed to corner the silver market in the early 1980's, "A billion dollars isn't what it used to be".

But, let's just assume that Trump continues down his well-established path of keeping his own $Billions.  What should we ask of him?  What is the right thing to do so he can avoid the mistake of Bush2?  Already he seems to have made the mistake of Bush1.  This is an ego mistake that most great leaders generate for themselves, because it takes so much energy to get to the point of being an effective leader that considering what happens after you're gone as a leader is a very minor consideration for egotistical leaders.  But for those who uphold the good of something besides themselves, it becomes a PRIMARY consideration.  That's why the king of England said that George Washington was the greatest man alive when he stepped down as president.  It's also why Alexander's empire was scattered among his 4 generals, why Mohammed's posterity continues to fight amongst themselves and why Patton and MacArthur had no future in politics.

Here's what Trump CAN do:  He can ENABLE his heir apparents, whomever they might be.  He can level the playing field for them.

He can level the playing field by telling the FCC to recall the licenses of the big 3 networks and have a bid for those frequencies all over again.  The original setup was that Americans would get free TV signals on well-defined channels in exchange for free UNBIASED news reporting.  The media companies have not kept their side of the bargain, so Trump can revoke his side of the bargain and do his favorite thing of "negotiations". 

Trump can do a similar thing with the internet companies that call themselves "platforms" but are behaving like "publishers".  He already set up a commission to look into this.  What he needs to do is act VERY forcefully in the direction of level playing fields for conservatives.  He needs to do this RIGHT NOW even before the 2020 election because all those "platforms" are lining up to deny us conservatives a voice, and by 2024 it will be a fait accompli.

Of course, Trump could take the easy way out and give Sarah Palin a $2Billion Political Action Committee.

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