CNN Makes Massive In-Kind Contribution to Donald Trump’s Re-Election Effort

CNN Makes Massive In-Kind Contribution to Donald Trump’s Re-Election Effort

Erick Erickson
by Erick EricksonRead Profilearrow_right_alt
I have no idea what CNN will have to declare as the value for Donald Trump’s campaign disclosure report, but it will have to be in the millions. Last night, the network put all the Democrats on a stage to let a group of hippies, eccentrics, and others ask questions about the climate and environment.
Here is a teacher asking Bernie Sanders if he’ll promote abortion to curb population growth that is a blight on the planet. Naturally, he says yes he will, particularly in poor countries.
And the list goes on.
Andrew Yang wants to spread acid rain to cool the planet. Amy Klobuchar wants to force power companies to shame neighbors by saying what they’re paying for power. Kamala Harris wants the death penalty if you use a plastic straw. Joe Biden wants a carbon tax.
Here is Kamala Harris saying she’d use the government to force you to give up eating meat.
Here is Andrew Yang saying the government is going to buy your car and “help” you get an electric vehicle.
Here is Pete Buttigieg claims the fight against climate change will be tougher than World War II
The whole thing shows what Democrats would do if left to their own devices — destroy the U.S., the energy sector, and the economy.
I have been hugely critical of President Trump’s economically disruptive tariffs, but they are nothing compared to the devastation the Democrats’ climate schemes would unleash on our economy.
No sane person could see either the Democrats or their questioners last night and think letting them take control of the government is in the best interest of this country.
CNN did a wonderful job exposing these people and getting them on the record in a way that will undoubtedly help the President in 2020.

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