Trump: Google Should be Sued For Manipulating 2016 Election in Favor of Crooked Hillary

Trump: Google Should be Sued For Manipulating 2016 Election in Favor of Crooked Hillary

by Cristina Laila  145 Comments

President Trump on Monday morning said Google should be sued for manipulating millions of votes in Hillary Clinton’s favor during the 2016 election. 
According to reports, Donald Trump received approximately 63 million votes and Crooked Hillary received nearly 66 million votes (illegal aliens included).
Trump however campaigned to win which is why he received 304 electoral votes vs. Hillary’s 227 EC votes.
Even with Google, the media, the DNC and every powerful person in DC on her side, Hillary Clinton stilllost the 2016 election (she’s still blaming the Russians).
Trump is furious and called for Google (Hillary’s biggest donor in 2016) to be sued.
“Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought!” Trump said in a tweet.
According to the newly released Senate report, Dr. Robert Epstein, a psychologist, author and professor, Google manipulated at least 2.6 million — and upwards of 10+ million votes in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Dr. Epstein, an admitted liberal and very vociferous supporter of Hillary Clinton, said that Google and other tech billionaires will ramp up in 2020 and make sure all hands are on deck to stop Trump from winning the election.
Watch Dr. Epstein explain how Google and Zuckerberg can manipulate MILLIONS of voters in favor of Democrats:



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